IT Services- On-premises & Off-premises..

Let us see what both of these two are..
On-premise services
An on-premises server is a server setup within the office premises or organization that can be securely accessed by only the employees. It is like a corporate IT network installed locally .
◼Advantages of on-premice service network:
- Control- Since the servers are hosted in the office premices so the control is in our hand. like which harwares and softwares to be used, whether they should be open sourced or purchased from vedor, which version to be used etc.
- privacy- Since the platform is not shared with anyone, there is complete privacy to the data of the organisation.
- Cheaper for long run- When services are concerned for long run then it becomes really cheaper but this should not be given the priority. etc..
- The infrastructure can be customised easily and access to it is easier.
◼Challenges to on-premises IT services:
- Local server- Anyone who wanted to access the network must have to be at the location only. for ex.if it is installed in Sangli ,it can’t be accesible from Nanded.
- Cost involved in installation- It requires dedicated trained people, space for setup, hardware cost, setup cost is included which makes it costly.
- Time consuming- Takes lot of time for setting up.
- Maintainance- Since control of network is in our hand it comes with responsibility. The updation of the system comes under our task .
- More Needs, More Costs- Requiring more resources like memory or disk space. One must need to purchase it. The cost increases as the need increases.
check this out for your referance..
Off-Premise Servers
The meaning itself describes the location of the servers from the user. These are hosted remotely away from or outside the building obviously by some third parties. The best example of this is cloud computing.
◼Profits of using Off-premise servers:
- Less Maintainance cost- Since the servers are hosted by third parties, the cost discussed above, which creates challenges in On-premises services are reduced in off-premises services.
- Remote work- These provides flexibility of working remotely.There is no onsite work. One can just connect from anywhere and start working.
- Collaboration- Application can be shared between teams. This increases collaboration and communication among teams.
- Automatic server updates- Off-premice servers reduces extra task of installing new software versions and give automatic server updates.
- Disaster Recovery- This is one of the profit that we get alike on-premise servers. Here we neednot to worry about our data loss in any disaster.
- Storage- The storage can be increased and bought from the host third party whenever we need.
however, Off-premise servers have some disadvantages too.
◼Disadvantages of Off-premise servers:
- Network Connection Dependency- Your business must always have internet connection.Unfortunately there is no way to get around this fact. You need a network in order to send files to the cloud and retrive them.
- Loss Of Control- In this case one is trusting on third party that they will maitain the data with same care as you would.Thus control over data is lost.
- Security- As a business you cannot afford to have sensitive information about your company and your clients fall victim to hackers. One of the greatest disadvantages of in this case is you don’t know which service provider you can trust. etc.
Both of these have some advantages as well as some disadvantages, The cooperative company decides which IT services they should opt for depending upon various deciding dimensions like infrastructure, internet connectivity etc.
Now-a-days companies are rapidly moving to the cloud to eliminate need for computer hardware in their own offices decreasing their IT cost.